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Vineyard next to a forest, autumn colored leafes Sonnenmulde wine bottles View of vineards starting to change leafe colours in autumn Barrique storage Autumn colored vineyards around Gols View towards the illuminated winery at night View towards the winery Sun rises through ground fog while wind turbines tower above the vineyards Barrique casks Late harvest while the leafes show first autumn colours Andreas and Kathrin People at manual wine harvest Hillside vineyard with autumn colored leafes Trailer filled with fresh grapes at the harvest

News 2018

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Happy Holidays and a Good New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2018
The year is coming to an end and it starts to be a little quieter again. The only thing left for us is to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a great start into the New Year 2019. Hopefully some of our great Sonnenmulde wines will accompany you at some of the festivities!Read more »


Friday, November 30, 2018
Tank with Icewine juice fresh from the press and covered with frost.
Years of waiting are over. Thursday morning we were finally able to harvest Icewine once again. It did not come completely unexpected tough. Forecasts predicted a tight chance more than a week ago already. And tight it was, but also just cold enough! Frozen grapes in the vineyard before the icewine harvest. Grapes have to be thoroughly frozen for Icewine (see picture). Harvested that way, they are processed immediately and crushed while their water ist still frozen.Read more »

You may taste now

Monday, November 5, 2018
Invitation Flyer with wine bottle and the event's date
Invitation to the Golser Martiniloben
St. Martin’s day is upcoming and with it the 30th incarnation of the Martiniloben Event with days of open wine cellars in Gols. That itself is reason enough for a big party, but even more important are the many fine wines you’ll be able to taste. On St. Martin the new vintage’s wines are baptised and may be officially refered to as wines from then on. The preparations are already well underway an we’re looking forward to lots of visitors!Read more »

From the harvest

Thursday, September 13, 2018
Two tractors with trailers besides a street in the vineyards. The front trailer is full of freshly harvested Zweigelt grapes.
Zweigelt grapes on a harvest trailer.

It’s not even mid-September and we’re already thinking about the end of the harvest. We’re not done yet and there are more grapes to be picked. But a good part of this year’s vintage is already fermenting in our cellar. And it does look good indeed!

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Starlings - not our friends

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Row of vineyards where the grape zone is covered with a fine-meshed plastic net.
Bird net protecting our grapes.

Starlings are beautiful, very intelligent birds and were even chosen as Bird of the Year 2018 in Germany. Nevertheless, the’re not really our friends. Like many other bird species they like it a lot around Lake Neusiedl. Alltough many of them live here around the year, every autumn they are visited by lots of collegues that prefer to spend their summers farther to the north. In that time they form swarms up to kilometers in length that can even darken the sky. And that many beaks need to eat.

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Harvest 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Hans Schreiner picks grapes and puts them into a wheelbarrow.
Grape picking by hand.

The year of the earliest harvest of all times. Never before we started picking our grapes on the 20th of August, but yesterday we did. We brought in ripe, healthy Grüner Veltliner grapes. They were from a young vineyard that does not yet yield as much and ripens earlier, but still. Climate change is here and we have to deal with its effects.

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The fast-motion summer

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Summer 2018 will be remembered as the quickest of all times, at least where grapevines are concerned. An early start into the growing season, no destructive frost events and just the right amount of rain led to a vintage that could not be better.

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How is the wire mounted in a vineyard?

Friday, June 29, 2018
Wire spools mounted at the rear of a tractor, which are unrolled while driving through the rows of vines.
Unrolling wire.

Vines are grown in a wire trellis. We re-planted an old vineyard earlier this year and also renewed all the wiring and support for that occasion. Therefore we mounted more than 35 km wire this week.

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Everything is growing

Friday, June 15, 2018
Grapes in their pea-sized phase.

The growing season is moving along with great strides. Just as every year at this point, we have lots of work to do but only little time to tell about it. But still, everything is going smoothly and despite all the work we are really happy with the current development.

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Wine and the spring

Saturday, April 21, 2018
View at the tasting room's glass door, a metal plate with the no. 56 in front of it.
Our tasting room and cellar no. 56 at the Wine in the Spring Gols Event.

Again it happened really fast. Less than a month ago we still experienced frosty nights and now temperatures are almost reaching 30° C during the day. Just like in the last couple of years our vines started growing early and the season is underway.

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Tour Germany 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018
Graphic of a wine glass with the names of all Weber events.
Weber wine fairs.

When days are becoming longer again we start with lots of wine tastings into every new year. The MillésimeBIO was a nice beginning but now we head into a tour through Germany. The dates are arragend in such a way that we will visit three cities on three consecutive weekends in February - WeinHannover, WeinFrühling Berlin and WeinFrühling Hamburg in just that Order. We are looking forward to many visitors and interesting tastings!

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Winter Pruning

Friday, January 19, 2018
Two people with electric pruning shears in a vineyard while the winter sun is shining.
Winter pruning under good weather conditions.

The current winter has not yet shown its grim side and it has been relatively warm all through the holiday season and the past weeks. We use the opportunity to go out pruning our vines as long as the sun is shining.

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