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View of vineards starting to change leafe colours in autumn Trailer filled with fresh grapes at the harvest Barrique storage People at manual wine harvest View towards the illuminated winery at night Hillside vineyard with autumn colored leafes Autumn colored vineyards around Gols Andreas and Kathrin Barrique casks View towards the winery Late harvest while the leafes show first autumn colours Vineyard next to a forest, autumn colored leafes Sun rises through ground fog while wind turbines tower above the vineyards Sonnenmulde wine bottles

News 2019

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Vineyard clearing

Saturday, November 23, 2019
Vines are loaded onto a tractor trailer and taken out of the vineyard.

The last phase in the life of a vineyard, the clearing. Well-tended vineyards can last for 30 to 50 years. But the older they get, the more care they need. Yields drop and more and more vines have to be replanted. In the course of decades, grape varieties also change and even cultivation methods are subject to constant modernisation. At some point it is time to grub up and replant.

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The harvest 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019
Ripe grapes on a harvest trailer.

Time flies and all work comes to an end. It’s like we just started, but the harvest is already done and with it the 2019 wine year lies behind us. Now we can for the first time really make some substantial statements about the vintage’s qualities. In short, we’re very pleased!

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Organic table-grapes

Monday, September 2, 2019
Sonnenmulde organic table-grapes in a paper bag

The proper wine harvest will start immediately after the Dornbirn Autumn fair in mid September. But we’re already picking some grapes right now. They are just not destined for winemaking, rather they are table grapes meant for eating. Even more special is that they are new, fungus-resistant varieties that practically require no spraying - not even with organic formulations. This saves us a lot of time and labour while the grapes are still crisp and beautiful to look at.

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Yield Management - Grape thinning.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Grapes and leaves removed for grape thinning.

Yield management is a key factor in making great wines. The most important decisions are already made during winter pruning. But now, with the harvest in sight, it is time for some fine-tuning. Depending on the grape variety, there is more or less to do. But thinning the yield to a level that will help us harvest grapes with the ripeness we need, is what really counts.

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Energy Transition in Winemaking

Thursday, July 4, 2019
Solar panels on top of our winery.

A lot has to change if we want to avert the oncoming climate crisis and continue to make a living from creating fine wines here in Gols. Wine production naturally needs power too - fuel as well as electricity. And as every organic farm should, we’re thinking a lot about how to make things less harmful for our planet.

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First grape blossoms

Thursday, June 6, 2019
Grape with its first two blossoms opened.

Like every year the first grapes to bloom are from the St. Laurent variety. The picture shows its very first blossoms. Altough not too much to look at, a fully abloom vineyard offers an impressive fragrant smell.

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Blooming Vineyards

Thursday, May 23, 2019
Blue Phacelia blossoms in between vineyard rows

In spring organic vineyards can be spottet from a long distance. The green manure plants are in full bloom, long before our vines develop their own flowers. Green manure offers food and habitat for small insects and bigger animals alike. Even hare or deer youngs like to hide between the growing greens.

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Spring Ploughing

Thursday, May 2, 2019
Vineyard rows before and after Spring Ploughing

We cover the lower parts of our grapevines with soil before winter sets in to protect them from exceedingly deep frost events. Now in the spring, they are uncovered using a plough so that they can enjoy a bit of warm and fresh air. This also fights the weeds next to our vines while the greenery between the rows is left to bloom. The picture nicely shows the outcome, before and after ploughing.

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Starting soon!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Spring is almost here and our vines are slowly awaking. They have not yet started to grow but if the current warm conditions last, it is only a matter of a short while. Actually we hope for some cooler days to slow down the vine’s development tough. A later start into the season means less danger from late frost. We’ll see, maybe everything turns out like 2018 again, a year that was ideal in all respects. We wait in suspense!

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Winter is Exhibition Time

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Following the Holiday season it is not too busy out in our vineyards. While this is the time for winter pruning, we do not have to finish it until spring comes around. So now we have the best chance to present our wines directly to as many of our customers as possible.

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