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Vineyard in spring before it starts to grow Barrique storage Panoramic view of gols in winter with white with snow Barrique casks Sonnenmulde wine bottles Vineyard in deep snow Grapevines and an oaktree in spring before the start of the growing season Andreas and Kathrin View towards the winery View towards the illuminated winery at night Panoramic view of gols in winter with no snow


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

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Kathrin and Andreas are sitting on the terrace and enjoy a glass of Spritzer.
A glass white Spritzer after a hot day's work.

A glass white Spritzer after work on this year’s hottest day yet. 37° C in the shadow made us really looking forward to the predicted wheater change tomorrow. At “only” 30° C we’re almost thinking of breaking out gloves and bobble caps.

Anyway, a light Summer-Spritzer is never a bad idea at this hot time of the year. We’re drinking Grüner Veltliner Heideboden 2014, but Riesling or Rosé would be just as good. Maybe for the next glass.

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